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Neoplan N4021 #4757

29 march 2005 - Bremen Gröpelingen

Author: tiho RSS

Comments: 1

AEG GT8N #3021

7 june 2004 - Brema, Domsheide. Deptakiem przez śliczną starówkę sunie powoli gąsieniczka z niebieską mordką.

Author: strasznynewserlimiteredytordriver RSS

Wegmann GT4e #3517

7 june 2004 - Brema, Gröpelingen. Skład serdelków 3517+3717 opuszcza właśnie najdalej na zachód położoną pętlę bremeńskiej sieci.

Author: strasznynewserlimiteredytordriver RSS

Wegmann GT4f #3530

7 june 2004 - Brema, Gröpelingen. Skład 3530+3730. Serdelek w historycznym malowaniu BSAG i ze starym logo wjeżdża na pętlę.

Author: strasznynewserlimiteredytordriver RSS

Wegmann GT4f #3530

12 october 2003 - Bremen, Sebaldsbrueck. The third car on the special route "E" that brought visitors from the city to the opening of the tram museum in Sebaldsbrueck depot. The car is in the original livery of the Wegmann-cars from the 1970s.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

AEG GT8N #3019

4 september 2004 - Bremen, Obernstraße. A worm, a pedestrian zone full of people and the cathedral in the background. Magnificent :D

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 1

AEG GT8N #3019

2 october 2004 - Bremen, tram stop Georg-Bitter-Str. A worm in the shade on Hamburger Str.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

AEG GT8N #3019

3 september 2004 - Bremen, Markt. The essence of the city. The monumental city hall to the right, the Roland statue to the left, and a Worm heading for Weserwehr between them. This is Bremen for you!

Author: straphanedytor RSS

AEG GT8N #3013

25 may 2003 - Bremen, Waller Str. A tram heading towards Gröpelingen.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

AEG GT8N #3012

16 april 2004 - Bremen, Buergermeister-Hildebrand-Str. The last GT8N in original livery, which has survived only thanks to the ad. An interesting mural can also be seen on the left.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 2

AEG GT8N #3012

3 september 2004 - Bremen, Markt. It's good to be back :D (After a summer in Frankfurt).

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 1

AEG GT8N #3012

4 september 2004 - Bremen, Domsheide. The same place, the same tram, 24 hours later.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

AEG GT8N #3009

16 april 2004 - Bremen, Auf der Hohwisch/Georg-Bitter-Str. A "worm" rides into the sunset in the Weserwehr district, near the Werder Bremen stadium.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 2

AEG GT8N #3007

25 may 2003 - Bremen, Waller Str. This time it's a green one :)

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 3

Hansa GT4c #3985

17 september 2004 - Bremen, Hauptbahnhof. The track grinding car made of a Hansa GT4 at the main station, heading towards Neustadt depot. The rear end of the car was shortened by a length of one side-window upon conversion to a works vehicle.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 9

Mercedes-Benz O405N #4181

13 october 2004 - Bremen, Osterholzer Heerstrasse. It's slowly time for these oldies to go. Although it has to be said they are in a much better condition than the MAN buses from Rönnebeck depot.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 4

Mercedes-Benz O405N2 #4112

22 october 2004 - Brinkum, Bremer Straße. A Merc on the IKEA-Route 53 passes a Polish petrol station!

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 2

Mercedes-Benz O405N #4031

4 september 2004 - Bremen, Wal-Mart Gelsenkirchener Strasse. Route 59 is the shortest route in Bremen - it`s around 500m long, has no intermediate stops, and it ferries shoppers between Wal-Mart and the nearby tram stop. This elderly Mercedes with a matching ad is the usual sight on this route.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Mercedes O405GN #4623

25 may 2003 - Bremen, Hauptbahnhof. While trams have four different colours for the front (red, green, yellow, blue), buses of the BSAG only have red.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Mercedes O405GN #4618

30 march 2004 - Bremen, Kattenturm Mitte. A Merc is resting before going back north on route 22. The bus shelter has an in-built toilet for the drivers.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 2

Mercedes O405GN #4601

5 february 2004 - Bremen, Huckelriede. A Merc on the tight curve at the exit of the bus station.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 4

MAN NL202 #4332

21 march 2001 - Bremen.

Comments: 2

MAN NL202 #4326

6 november 2003 - Bremen, Rönnebeck depot. An MAN with a slightly damaged display pauses before heading back to Vegesack.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

MAN NL202 #4326

10 december 2003 - Bremen, stop Taunusstrasse. An "oldie" is heading for Vegesack and Rönnebeck depot.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 2

Neoplan N4021 #4875

26 january 2004 - Bremen, Aumunder Heerweg/Breite Straße. This is one tight curve...

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Neoplan N4021 #4857

2 april 2004 - Bremen-Blumenthal, Fresenbergstr. A Neoplan is climbing the hill in 2nd gear. The bus had a defect earlier, but the driver managed to notify the repair service, which met the bus at Bf Blumenthal. After minor repairs the bus continued on its way with a 10-15 minute delay.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

MAN NL202 #4322

15 september 2004 - Bremen, University campus. An MAN in a full-body advertisement (quite rare for Bremen) approaches the penultimate stop on the rather short route 32, which links the suburb of Upper Borg with the tram line 4 and the university.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

MAN NL202 #4314

6 november 2003 - Bremen, Vegesack station. Probably one of the worst buses of the BSAG has just emptied itself of its passengers at the train station. In about 10 minutes it'll be leaving as a 79 service to Aumund-Hammersbeck, but the display is already changed.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

MAN NL202 #4313

27 october 2004 - Bremen-St. Magnus, Auf dem Hohen Ufer. An MAN crosses Knoops Park in thick fog. Sorry for the blurriness.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 2

MAN NL202 #4313

2 april 2004 - Bremen-Blumenthal, Fresenbergstr. An MAN is slowly chugging up the hill.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

MAN NL202 #4312

20 february 2004 - Bremen-Blumenthal, Wohldstr. An MAN in the Löh forest near the Zentralkrankenhaus Bremen-Nord hospital.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 5

MAN NL202 #4310

18 september 2004 - Bremen-Blumenthal, Mühlenweg. An MAN is passing the Blumenthal water tower.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

MAN NL202 #4307

27 october 2004 - Bremen, Auf den Hohen Ufer. The season of fog has finally arrived! The drivers are getting worried, whereas bus fans are happy to have nice photo conditions. An MAN is seen here passing the stop LIDICE-Haus, around 150m from the gates of the International University Bremen campus.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

MAN NL 202 #4305

15 december 2003 - Bremen, Vegesack station. An MAN stands alone in the rain, waiting for another run to Rönnebeck depot.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 1

Neoplan N4021 #4880

8 november 2004 - Bremen, Auf dem Hohen Ufer. A Neoplan at sunset departs from the Richthofenstraße stop. It's sometimes amazing what lovely sights you can find only two stops from your university...

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 2

Neoplan N4021 #4877

2 april 2004 - Bremen, Fresenbergstr. A 76 bus is going down the hill. In the background the Sankt-Marion church.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Neoplan N4021 #4874

6 november 2003 - Bremen, Vegesack station. A 1995 Neoplan from Rönnebeck depot is warming himself in the evening sun at the bus station. This is the crossing point for all Bremen-Nord bus lines and the RB Train between Bremen-Vegesack, Bremen-Hauptbahnhof and Verden(Aller)

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Neoplan N4021 #4873

6 november 2003 - Bremen, Rönnebeck depot. The main "gate" of the depot - no barriers, nasty security personnel, etc. Unfortunately, on this day, there was no reserve-driver that would show us around, so we just shot pics from the sidewalk. In the foreground, #4873 is charging its battery.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 1

Neoplan N4021 #4873

6 november 2003 - Bremen, Rönnebeck depot. #4873 and the sunset! This depot is located around 30km from the central BSAG depot in Bremen-Neustadt and serves the peripheries in northern Bremen.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Neoplan N4021 #4871

25 november 2004 - Bremen/Schwanewede, Schwaneweder Heerstraße, stop Bockhorn/Landesgrenze. A Neoplan on route 74 is leaving Lower Saxony, county Osterholz-Scharmbeck, town of Schwanewede, and is entering the Free Hansa City of Bremen, City of Bremen, district of Blumenthal. Of course both towns are part of the VBN transport community, which simply means that the network card for those living in Lower Saxony costs a bit more...

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Neoplan N4021 #4856

6 november 2003 - Bremen, Bremen-Vegesack station. Two brothers in front of the train station. The one on the left left the Neuenkirchen terminus around half an hour ago and will reach his other loop, Gröpelingen, in another half-hour.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Neoplan N4021 #4854

2 february 2004 - Bremen-Grohn, Friederich-Humbert-Str. An older articulated bus is travelling towards Vegesack and Schwanewede.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 2

Neoplan N4021 #4852

9 october 2004 - Bremen-Rekum, Rekumer Strasse. The Neoplan-bus has just crossed the border between Lower Saxony and Bremen. Unfortunately, despite the fact, that the terminus of route 71 lies less than a kilometer (2 stops) from Bremen in the town of Neuenkirchen, you still have to buy an additional ticket...

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 2

Neoplan N4021 #4850

17 november 2003 - Bremen-Grohn, bus stop Taunusstrasse. An older articulated bus on route 74 towards Bremen-Vegesack train station and Schwanewede. The loop in the background is used on weekends by route 75.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 2

Neoplan N4021 #4849

15 september 2004 - Bremen, Bf. Vegesack. A portrait of the daily life of BSAG drivers - the driver of bus 4862 is chatting with the driver of the just departing 4849.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 2

Neoplan N4021 #4839

22 october 2004 - Brema, Kattenturm Mitte. W Polsce mamy wiatokioski, w Niemczech wiatokible. To chyba jedyny taki kibelek w Bremie (pozostałe krańcówki mają toalety służbowe z dala od wiat przystankowych). Istnieje także publiczna wersja wiatokibla, która znajduje się na przystanku Blumenthal Markt.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Wegmann GT4f #3536

2 october 2004 - Bremen, Sielwall. Ein Sonderwagen zur Werder-Bayern Fußballspiel. Der ganze Wagen sprang und sang :D Leider für umsonst. Werder verlor das Spiel 1:2 und fiel zum 4. Platz in der Tabelle. Nach 7 Spiele ist Wolfsburg weit vorn, mit Stuttgart und Bayern auf der Jagd.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 2

Wegmann GT4f #3529

22 october 2004 - Bremen, Markt. This is Freimarkt time in the city - a huge funfair has been set up outside the Hauptbahnhof, and a smaller one here at the Market Square, generating a lot of pedestrian traffic. Fortunately, upon hearing the bell of a Wegmann or the squeal of the GT8N motors, the crowd moves aside like the Red Sea before Moses :D

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 2

Wegmann GT4e #3519

22 october 2004 - Bremen, Westerstrasse. A textbook example of how to locate a tram stop. Turning into Westerstrasse, the trams (and buses) - in this case no. 3519+3719 - stop at the curb, and then make their way back to the middle of the roadway thanks to a vehicle-controlled signal system.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 1

Neoplan N4021 #4801

31 may 2003 - Bremen, Domsheide. This bus is on a detour due to reconstruction works at Schüsselkorb.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 2

Neoplan N4021 #4859

7 june 2004 - Brema, Gröpelingen. To miasto to kraina Neoplanów. W tym malowaniu wyglądają ponętnie. Transparent "100% BSAG für Bremen" to element wielkiej akcji protestacyjnej przeciwko podziałowi przedsiębiorstwa. Jaki kraj taki protest :-)

Author: strasznynewserlimiteredytordriver RSS

Comments: 1

Neoplan N4021 #4764

15 september 2004 - Bremen. Bf. Vegesack. Bus 4764 on route 71 has just started to continue on its way to Neuenkirchen. The buses standing at the bus stop are 4845 on route 74 (seen on the left) and 4843 on route 79 (behind it, not visible). In the background you can see an MAN on route 75 approaching the bus stop. After a short pause for passenger exchange all buses will simultaneously start on their way.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 1

Neoplan N4021 #4764

26 january 2004 - Bremen-Vegesack, Breite Str.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Neoplan N4021 #4759

9 october 2004 - Bremen-Farge, Rekumer Str. A rather empty Neoplan in a lovely area approaches the stop Hohenesch. Bus Line 71 is, aside from the train, the main transport axis of Bremen-Nord. The planned travelling time from Neuenkirchen to Gröpelingen is 70 minutes, the frequency is 10 mins. on weekdays and 15 mins. on Saturdays and Sundays/Holidays (every second journey is a short working to Bf. Farge).

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Neoplan N4021 #4751

15 may 2004 - Bremen, Bahnhof Vegesack. A newer Neoplan awaits its next duty. Sorry for the road sign :(

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 9

MAN NG313 #4504

13 november 2005 - Brema, Stellichter Straße. The MAN passes one of the few cobbled roads with a bus service in Bremen. This sleepy district is served by bus line 25 (Weidedamm - Osterholz Nußhorn) with a frequency of 7,5 minutes during rush hours!

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 1

MAN NG313 #4505

30 march 2004 - Bremen, Sebaldsbrück. The MAN is resting next to his "brother", 4529.

Author: straphanedytor RSS

Comments: 1



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