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UCC Feltham #331

UCC Feltham #331

Built: 1930
Author: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Uploaded: 2018-07-27 15:58:30
Width: 1400, Height: 787
File size: 518.68kB
9 august 2011 - Crich, UK - National Tramway Museum: Resting between tours of duty in one of the NTM depot sheds, #331 of London`s Metropolitan Electric Tramways is an interesting vehicle. Built in 1930 by the Union Construction Company, it was a prototype for a class of tram known as the `Feltham`, which embodied many advances in passenger comfort and operating convenience. The MET company became part of London Transport, and by 1937 the tram was sold as non-standard to Sunderland Corporation, where it operated successfully until the 1950s. Restored to run at the Gateshead Garden Festival of 1990, it was then brought to Crich and has been a regular performer ever since.
en gt


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