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RAW TZ69 #3006

RAW TZ69 #3006

Built: 1969
Author: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Uploaded: 2018-07-26 12:32:04
Width: 1400, Height: 872
File size: 219.51kB
9 august 2011 - Crich, UK - National Tramway Museum: Almost all the historic trams in the collection at Crich can only carry people who are able to climb up narrow, steep steps - they certainly can`t carry wheelchairs or other mobility aids, so for many years less able visitors couldn`t take a tram ride, which was one of the main reasons for coming here. So the NTM obtained this 1969 RAW tram from the Berlin system, which has been cleverly converted to include a wheelchair lift, providing easy access for disabled visitors. The tram runs a coulpe of times on most days and is available if required at other times.
en gt


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