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TEG/AMN Drieasser #339

24 march 2012 - Gent/Ghent (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Gentbrugge. One of the two very unusual, three-axle trams from 1930 that are retained in Ghent for special duties, along with a trailer from the same period. This tram was previously on the de Lijn coast line.

TEG/AMN Drieasser #354

9 june 2009 - De Panne (BE) – depot/zajezdnia. One of the very unusual 3-axle trams which ran in Gent until the 1960s. Look at the wheels – the middle pair can turn on corners (we call this in English a ‘radial’ axle). This 6-wheel arrangement is quite rare – I have only seen it recently on some Munchen trams. They wear out the track very quickly, though, if not maintained well.

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