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Search Results
NameVINBuild NumberBuiltYear Of GetYear Of RemoveScrappedRegistration PlateNo.OperatorPrevious OwnerIndex
Sicca Siccar 283NU / Inbus U 210 FTNZBD283NU0000000301985200720072008DK 335 FSASA AndriaCittà Andria821014
Inbus U150ZBD1811C0000007921988200720082009DK 589 FSASA AndriaCittà Andria821015
Inbus U150ZBD1811C0000007931989200720072009DK 588 FSASA AndriaCittà Andria821016
Inbus U150ZBD1811C0000007941989200720072009DK 598 FSASA AndriaCittà Andria821017
Inbus U150ZBD1812M0000000951993200720072009DK 243 FSASA AndriaCittà Andria821018
Inbus U150ZBD1812M0000000961993200720082010DK 466 FSASA AndriaCittà Andria821019
Siccar 177/4LU / Inbus U210-FTZBD283NU0000000341985198520072011BA 850555Città Andria821020
Inbus U150ZBD1811C0000007911988198820042007BA 982051Città Andria821021
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