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Isuzu KL-LV280L1 Erga Non-Step #H1068-I
Author: TranslatorPS plRSS (4)
Uploaded: 2018-12-30 12:05:45.845142
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29 december 2018 - Sado Island (Niigata Prefecture), Aikawa, Sado-shi Aikawa-shisho terminus (新潟県佐渡市相川).
I had to dig through tender paperwork from when Yokohama-shi Kōtsūkyoku were selling this bus in order to fill in the data. Thankfully everything was there, if not more.
Sado Island. The sixth biggest island of Japan, counting the four main islands and Okinawa, and not counting territories disputed with the Russian Federation. The population stands at almost 55,000. In times gone past, the island had two purposes: it was the place of exile for the less politically comfortable (the only punishment worse than exile in Sado at the time was death itself), and then a gold mine was established here. The gold dug here pumped a large portion of the Tokugawa shogunate economy. At its best, the island was inhabited by approx. 122 thousand people. Now the island shares the nationwide problem of aging population. Coupled with the lack of third level education, many young people are left with little choice and simply enough just leave.
en pl gt


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