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Hino SKG-KR290J2 Rainbow II #50544
Author: TranslatorPS plRSS (4)
Uploaded: 2021-08-30 20:01:00.703354
Width: 1150, Height: 766
File size: 873.94kB
14 february 2019 - Hiroshima, Naka-ku, Ebisuchō (広島県広島市中区恵美須町).
4: 仁保車庫前 (Niho-shako-mae) → 県庁前 (Kenchō-mae)
This photo should make for a great example of the inconsistent marking of variations. There is a reason why I described the example of rte 4 as "good enough" under the last photo, and not completely good. The placard with "仁保南" (Niho-minami) seen on the driver`s console, alongside the top row of the LED scroll most likely, indicates a variation via the neighbourhood going by that name instead of taking a simplier route down the major roads. Travelling out of the city centre this variation is denoted as 4-2, as opposed to 4-1, but going inbound where there are only four stops in common before the route splits Hiroden isn`t messing around with a variation marker anymore. To make things even better, the route marked as a variation is done by about 60% of the departures from Niho garage.
en pl gt


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