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Technické muzeum Brno/

Ringhoffer DSM #205

26 march 2011 - Brno (CZ) – tram museum Lisen. The tramway museum at Lisen in Brno holds an amazing collection of vehicles. Originally intended as the national museum of the former Czechoslovakia,, it collected (with some compulsion, I believe) historic trams from all over what are now the Czech and Slovak Republics and placed them here at an old interurban tram station. The plan was to use the electrified line from here to Brno for an operating museum. Then the Soviet government collapsed, followed a few years later by the split of the country into two separate republics. The collection remained shut away here, with very little money or resources for upkeep and was rarely seen by enthusiasts - the electrified link was eventually removed. Recently, some progress has been made with renovations, although the trams have nowhere to run – very sad. This is an ex-Praha Ringhoffer car that was later used in Olomouc.
Author: dvigar
Comments: 2



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