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Fraport AG/

Bombardier CX-100 #003

3 september 2008 - Frankfurt am Main, Germany – Flughafen. Underneath a SkyLine passenger car, showing the three-phase electrical pickup and (just visible at the bottom) one of the guide wheels that engage the running rail. In this inspection pit, there is no guide rail. There are eight rubber-tyred guide wheels per car, four on each side.
Author: dvigar
3 september 2008 - Frankfurt am Main, Germany – Flughafen. Another view under SkyLine car 003 shows the running wheels and horizontal guide wheel system in more detail. You can see in the distance where the guide rails end. Unlike some rubber-tyred metros, this system does not use steel wheels or steel rails. As it is a very wet day, this car has probably been brought into the pits so the pit crew can remove the slick tyres and replace them with intermediate, wet weather tyres.
Author: dvigar

Bombardier CX-100 #006

28 august 2007 - Flughafen Frankfurt am Main - Darmowa linia Skyline wozi pasażerów na trasie składającej się z trzech stacji - dwie z nich zlokalizowane są na dwóch terminalach, zaś trzecia dostępna jest tylko dla osób z biletami na samolot, umożliwiając im dotarcie prosto do gate`ów. Bezobsługowe wagoniki (łącznie jest ich 18, kursujących w 9 składach) odjeżdżają mniej więcej co 2,5 minuty.
Author: leo

Comments: 3

Bombardier CX-100 #010

3 september 2008 - Frankfurt am Main, Germany – Flughafen. The SkyLine elevated people-mover at Frankfurt Airport is quite complex and (unusual for such a system) incorporates intermediate crossovers and turn-back points. Normal operation is automatic, with manual controls just used to bring cars into the depot, which is also far above ground level. In foul weather, cars 010 and 011 stand outside the depot at the limit of automatic working.
Author: dvigar

Bombardier CX-100 #014

28 august 2007 - Frankfurt, lotnisko. SkyLine dojeżdża do stacji końcowej Terminal 2 (dalej znajdują się warsztaty). Dwukilometrowa trasa SkyLine'a ma zostać przedłużona w 2015 do Terminalu 3 frankfurckiego lotniska.
Author: Bogut
Comments: 4

3 september 2008 - Frankfurt am Main, Germany – Flughafen. A general view inside the SkyLine depot, a place very difficult for outsiders to visit as it is within the airport security zone and high in the air. Car 014 is prominent amongst those parked or undergoing maintenance. A track extension is planned to serve the new airport terminal, which is currently under construction, so more cars will be needed.
Author: dvigar

Bombardier CX-100 #015

3 september 2008 - Frankfurt am Main, Germany – Flughafen. From the front of SkyLine car 015 you can see the guide rail system. A central girder rail covers the electrical pickups, control wires and horizontal guide wheels, whilst the rubber-tyred vehicle runs on similar girder rails either side. The cars can be coupled together to make longer trains if needed.
Author: dvigar



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