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Firda Billag AS (1921-2011)/

Scania LK480EB 6x2 NI OmniExpress 3.60 #2194

3 august 2009 - Førde, Firda Billag garage. The new bus on the express route between Førde and Oslo. This is a replacement for one that was delivered in January 2008, that was so stiff in the frame that it was returned to the factory and is probably recycled now. Clearly Scania had done something wrong when they released the new OmniExpress model, and they have now changed how the buses are made, so they are apparently much better. This is also the second known K480 in Norway. And ... "ta-da" ... this pic is shot number 35 000 on my current camera. ;)
Author: Øyvind Berg
Comments: 7



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